Friday, December 11, 2009

Why do We Lag Behind?

I was just wondering...well-known--well, that's an understatement, as you will shortly see--brands such as IBM, Coca-Cola, and even Tata or Reliance back home, spend tons of money to promote the already-well-known brands. IIMs do not do that...why? Not to say that the "Brand IIM" has faded over the years...but as I write this, I am acutely aware of the kind of spending IIPM does. Again, I am not at all a supporter of such ads, to me they mostly look vulgar. But are we doing enough?

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Why do we have this?

Why, despite having little support, the need theories of motivation continue in the textbooks?

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Clever (or dumb?) Phrases

I often come across phrases that do not make sense to me. At times, the sense they make is ephemeral, and subsequently confusing. I am jotting down two of them:

1. on the margin
2. point of departure

I feel like accusing that some clever people started using them, just to look more profound or to confuse people.


Thursday, January 22, 2009

Something Wonderful

I have been fascinated by Piet Hien ever since I read his line in a book by Karl Weick which talked about mankind stumbling over the lines they themselves draw...just now I chanced upon the following page:

This contains some truly amazing work from Piet Hien...happy reading!